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There is a lot to love here, even just from reading the PDF. Brilliant theming. The hell-triangle of dice is a fascinating gameplay idea. And it sounds like the Superego mechanic will make for some incredible storytelling, as the Orpheans become more human.
My favorite little thing is rolling for a Serial ID. Love the idea of a lucky roll making your ID simply 'Z' or '123' or 'f2378v4h8fj23f9823'.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much!! I'm glad the serial ID mechanic is clear enough from reading alone, as I was there to smooth out confusion during both playtests. Funnily enough players did not engage with the Superego/Virtues system *at all* in those tests (buffs and rebalances have since addressed this) so...I sure hope it makes for good storytelling too?

Please post back if you get a chance to play--I crave feedback! (And also some good anecdotes/silly stories).